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I should have started a blog on my dating adventures years ago. If I had known I would spend the better part of 3 years single and date my way through a good portion of the Salt Lake male population I prob. would have done this from the start. Hope springs eternal and my romantic side often gets the better of my logical side in matters of the heart. But my logical side is saying I need to give in and the slew of emails from all walks of male life here in the Wasatch Front has prompted this very blog creation.

So here it is. The blog where I will share the photos, emails and date stories of the fun and not so fun guys I go out with. I will try and be nice as that is my general nature, but I am also a direct and honest person so some things might be not so nice at time.

I am not a good writer and was the anti-teenager when I was younger who never kept a journal of any kind. I still don’t keep a journal so I will attempt to keep the blog updated and such but make no guarantees.